Welcome to Seymour Community School District Athletic & Activities Registration
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Physical Examinations
Physicals are valid for 2 school years. Physical examination taken April 1 and thereafter is valid for the following two school years; physical examination taken before April 1 is valid only for the remainder of that school year and the following school year. The physical form can be accessed here: https://www.wiaawi.org/
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address them to:
Ryan Spaulding - Activities Director/Associate Principal
Email: rspaulding@seymour.k12.wi.us
Phone: 920-833-2306
Tara VanCaster - MS Activities Director
Email: tvancaster@seymour.k12.wi.us
Phone: 920-833-7199
Karri Vandenlangenberg- High School Activities Administrative Assistant
Email: kvdl@seymour.k12.wi.us
Phone: 920-833-2306
Kathy Rettke- Middle School Administrative Assistant
Email: krettke@seymour.k12.wi.us
Phone: 920-833-7199